Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm back...and just in time for week 3!

Well, I started this thing mainly as a place to post thoughts concerning football, both college and the NFL.

Since then, I have had exactly one post concerning college football (mainly LSU), and none concerning the NFL, while posting my rage concerning Katrina and my joy over the fact that Aly from the Disney Channel is legal.

So....I guess I need to voice some opinions about this season.

Here goes:

1. Lloyd Carr is overrated.
2. Virginia Tech is too.
3. For the moment, so is Auburn.
4. LSU, on the other hand, is not.
5. Florida appears to have picked up right where they left off, even with a new starting crew on the defense.
6. The best website for prime info this season has none whatsoever.
7. Georgia may struggle again this year.
8. THE Ohio State University, for all their hype, hasn't really played anybody this year.
9. Texas may soon join the list of overrated.
10. As may Mack Brown. (Vince Young is gone buddy, let it go.)

And now...some favorite qoutes:

"Appy State plays in the Division 1-double A, excuse me, the Football Championship Subdivision. No matter how you say it, it STILL sounds like an elementary school kids short-bus joke." - Stewart Scott, ESPN.

"Trust me when I say: we DID NOT over-look Appalachian State." - Lloyd Carr, current Michigan head football coach. (and I use the word current loosely)

After watching Ole Miss QB Seth Adams start to scramble on a play: "This is not a good idea." - Will Bardwell.

"We don't showcase our ass-beatings on national television." - Steven Godfrey

Trust me, more will come.